
David Herbert Lawrence: Sons and Lovers

sonsDrawing on his own childhood and adolescence, Lawrence depicts the early married life of the Morels – the father a hardworking, hard-drinking Nottinhamshire coal miner, the mother a refined woman of middle-class aspirations. Born into the family battle, their son Paul Morel initially takes his mother’s part, until in adolescence he meets and falls in love with a young girl, Miriam, and discovers a new conflict of loyalties.

Sons and Lovers portrays the sexual and emotional struggle of Paul Morel, caught between the women he attempted to love, and in it D. H. Lawrence transforms autobiography into art.


Az író tulajdon gyermek- és ifjúkorát mondja el a főszereplő Paul Morel történetében. Bemutatja a bányászfalut, ahol családja élt, s fájdalmas mélységgel elemzi kapcsolatát szüleivel. A puritán, szigorú anya műveltebb a bányász apánál, aki a családi feszültségek elől az italhoz menekül. A művészhajlamú fiú erős ellenszenvet érez apja iránt, anyjának viszont kedvencévé válik. Ám az anya erőszakos szeretete pusztító hatású: tönkreteszi Paul első szerelmét, s az anya halála után a fiú megtörten marad magára.

Excerpt from the book:

„The Early Married Life of the Morels
„THE BOTTOMS” succeeded to „Hell Row”. Hell Row was a block of thatched, bulging cottages that stood by the brookside on Greenhill Lane. There lived the colliers who worked in the little gin-pits two fields away. The brook ran under the alder trees, scarcely soiled by these small mines, whose coal was drawn to the surface by donkeys that plodded wearily in a circle round a gin. And all over the countryside were these same pits, some of which had been worked in the time of Charles II, the few colliers and the donkeys burrowing down like ants into the earth, making queer mounds and little black places among the corn-fields and the meadows. And the cottages of these coal-miners, in blocks and pairs here and there, together with odd farms and homes of the stockingers, straying over the parish, formed the village of Bestwood.
Then, some sixty years ago, a sudden change took place, ginpits were elbowed aside by the large mines of the financiers. The coal and iron field of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire was discovered. Carston, Waite and Co. appeared. Amid tremendous excitement, Lord Palmerston formally opened the company’s first mine at Spinney Park, on the edge of Sherwood Forest.”


